Our department main activities are the teaching, fundamental research, and industrial research and development. Education is offered at BSc, MSc and PhD levels. The youthful enthusiasm of the staff of the department, the expertise of our experienced teachers, the dedication of our many young doctoral candidates and the work of the graduates choosing the department all contribute to our successes. The department has strong ties with numerous foreign universities. It cooperates with numerous institutes abroad in R&D and teaching. Thanks to our intensive research activities, we can involve the students into our projects to develop their innovation skills. Besides teaching and R&D, close cooperation with industrial partners has always played an important role in our department. As a result of many industrial cooperation we have a comprehensive knowledge about their expectations and we can targeted teach the young engineers.
The key persons who will be involved in the projects are mainly young tutors/scientists and their mentors. They have deep knowledge in the polymeric science and also in the practical training hence they can connect the theoretical background to the polymer processing technologies and the measurement techniques. As they are young, they can easily use and further develop the new ICT tools to make the study more efficient.